A-50 = Aerozine 50 ABMA = Army Ballistic Missile Agency AC = alternating current ACA = LM attitude controller assembly AEA = LM abort electronics assembly Aerojet = Aerojet Engineering Corp. Aerozine 50 = A 50/50 hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine mix AGC = Apollo guidance computer AGS = LM abort guidance section Ah = ampere-hour AOT = alignment optical telescope APS = S-IVB stage Auxiliary Propulsion System APS = LM ascent propulsion section ARS = LM atmosphere revitalization section ASA = LM abort sensor assembly ASI = augmented spark igniter ATCA = LM attitude and translation control assembly bhp = brake horsepower calips = calibratable pressure switch CCRD = LM computer control and reticle dimmer CDF = combined detonating fuse CDU = LM coupling and data unit CEP = circular error probable CES = LM control electronics section CG = center of gravity CM = command module CMC = command module computer Convair = Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation CRES = corrosion resistant steel CSM = command and service modules CSS = LM computer subsection CWEA = caution and warning electronics assembly DAC = Douglas Aircraft Company DC = direct current DDAS = digital data acquisition system DEDA = LM data entry and display assembly ΔV = delta velocity (velocity change) DPS = LM descent propulsion section DSKY = display-keyboard – apollo guidance computer interface ECS = LM environmental control subsystem EDS = emergency detection system EBW = exploding bridgewire EMI = electromagnetic interference EMS = entry monitor subsystem FCC = flight control computer FDAI = flight director attitude indication FITH = fire in the hole FM = frequency modluated GALCIT = Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology GDA = LM descent engine gimbal drive actuator GHe = gaseous helium GH2 = gaseous hydrogen GN2 = gaseous nitrogen GNS = guidance and navigation subsystem GNCS = LM guidance, navigation and control subsystem GOX = gaseous oxygen gpm = gallons per minute gps = gallons per second GSE = ground support equipment HTS = LM heat transport section hp = brake horsepower IC = integrated circuit IFV = ignition fuel valve IGS = inertial guidance subsystem IMU = inertial measurement unit IMV = ignition monitor valve I/O = input/output IRIG = inertial reference integrating gyros ISS = LM inertial subsystem IU = instrument unit JATO = jet assisted takeoff JPL = Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
lbT = pounds thrust LES = launch escape system LGC = LM guidance computer LH2 = liquid hydrogen LM = lunar module LMC = LM computer LOI = lunar orbit insertion LOS = loss of signal LoS = line of sight LOX = liquid oxygen LPD = LM landing point designator LR = LM landing radar LSC = linear shaped charge LV = launch vehicle LVDA = launch vehicle data adapter LVDC = launch vehicle digital computer MDC = main display console MFV = main fuel valve min = minute MIT/IL = Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instrumentation Laboratory MMH = monomethyl hydrazine, CH3(NH)NH2 MOV = main oxidizer valve MPS = LM main propulsion subsystem ms = millisecond MR = mixture ratio MSC = Manned Spacecraft Center MSFC = Marshall Space Flight Center N2O4 = Nitrogen Tetroxide NAA = North American Aviation NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASM = National Air and Space Museum NPSH = net positive suction head NTO = nitrogen tetroxide, N2O4 ODOP = offset Doppler tracking system OGMC = Ordnance Guided Missile Center OSCPCS = LM oxygen supply and cabin pressure control section OSS = LM optical subsystem P&W = Pratt & Whitney PCM = pulse code modulated PDS = propellant dispersion system PGNCS = primary guidance, navigation and control system PGNS = LM primary guidance, navigation and control subsystem PIPA = pulse-integrating pendulous accelerometer PSA = LM power and servo assembly psi = pounds per square inch psia = pounds per square inch, absolute psig = pounds per square inch, gauge PTA = LM pulse torque assembly PU = propellant utilization PUGS = propellant utilization and gauging subsystem RCS = reaction control system RGA = LM rate gyro assembly RMI = Reaction Motors, Inc. RP-1 = Rocket Propellant 1 RR = LM rendezvous radar S&A = safety and arming S&ID = NAA Space and Information Systems Division SATCO = DAC Sacramento Test Operations SC = spacecraft SCA = LM signal conditioner assembly scc = standard cubic centimeter scfm = standard cubic feet per minute SCS = stabilization and control subsystem sec = seconds SLA = spacecraft launch adapter SM = service module SPE = service propulsion engine SPS = service propulsion system STDV = start tank discharge valve TIS =thermal insulation system TLI = trans-lunar injection TD&E = Transposition, Docking and Ejection TTCA = LM thrust/translation controller assemblies UDMH = unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ULD = unit logic device (LVDC and LVDA component) ullage = the void space in a fluid tank ullage burn = a short engine burn to settle liquid propellants ullage maneuver = ullage burn ullage motor = a rocket motor used for ullage burn(s) USAAF = United States Army Air Forces USAF = United States Air Force USSRC = United States Space & Rocket Center VA = volt-amperes VAC = volts alternating current VDC = volts direct current WMS = LM water management section |