The Lycoming XR-7755
Working Topic Contracts/Administrative
by Kimble D. McCutcheon

This is currently a stub.

I removed the Contracts/Administrative section from the main narrative because I think it hurts the article's readability when it appears as part of the overall chronology. Not only is the section fraught with redundant legalese, the structure consists of the original contract plus a bunch of amendments and change orders that add or remove work tasks without ever presenting the new, current contract version. For example, an amendment may say something to the effect of "after the third comma in the second sentence of paragraph F.3 of Article 1 to Exhibit 3, insert, blah-blah-blah." It is enough to make one say bad words. As of 1 Aug 2024 I already have 27 pages and much to go. I think it is an important part of this story, which means it is information that needs to be part of the story, but I would not inflict it in its raw form on anyone. I hope to restate the language in a more understandable form and present it as part of a time line so the reader can click on a date and see a complete, current contract for any point in the project's history. Unfortunately, this can't be done until ALL the contract changes are identified and put in order. Please be patient.