Bristol Pegasus II.L and II.M

Compiled by Kimble D. McCutcheon
Published 29 Jan 2025; Revised 2 Feb 2025

Bristol Pegasus
The Bristol Pegasus aero engine series, designed by Roy Fedden, was developed from the earlier Bristol Mercury and Jupiter engines; the model first ran in 1932. The Bristol Pegasus II.L and II.M engines, introduced in 1936, were geared air-cooled 9-cylinder supercharged fixed radials with 5.75" bores, 7.50" strokes, 1,752.79 in³ displacement and 5.5:1 compression ratio. Propeller rotation was anti-clockwise when viewed from the engine rear. The diameter was 55.3" and the length was 42.3 (inertial starter to reduction gear front). The engines were attached to the mounts using 18 3/8" bolts on a 27 1/4" pitch circle using either solid or flexible mounts. Over 30,000 Pegasus engines were produced into the 1940s.

The AEHS is grateful to Bruce Vander Mark, who supplied the manual from which most of these articles are drawn.




Pegasus Engine Characteristics
 Engine Model
Airscrew Ratio0.6660.6550.5000.6660.6550.500
Normal Engine rpm (5 min max)2,0002,000
Normal Airscrew rpm1,3321,3101,0001,3321,3101,000
Maximum Engine rpm2,3002,300
Maximum Airscrew rpm1,5321,5071,1501,5321,5071,150
Engine Takeoff rpm (calculated)1,9001,835
Rated Altitude (ft)2,0005,000
bhp, Normal rpm, Rated Altitude580/600560/580
bhp, Normal rpm, Sea Level, Full Throttle610/635
bhp, Normal rpm, Sea Level, Max Boost610/635620
bhp, Normal rpm, Sea Level, Rated Boost565/585530/550
bhp, Max rpm630/650 at 2,500 ft615/635 at 6,500 ft
Supercharger Rated Boost (psi)+0.250
Supercharger Max Boost, Takeoff and Climb (psi)+1.25+1.5
Supercharger Gear Ratio5.7:17.0:1
Supercharger Impeller Diameter10"10"
Supercharger Impeller rpm, normal engine rpm11,40014,000
Supercharger Impeller Drive bhp, Rated Power1226
Supercharger Output Volume, Rated Power ft³/min1,0151,015
Intake Valves per Cylinder 2
Exhaust Valves per Cylinder 2
Valve Actuation Push Rod
Intake Port Diameter 1.900"
Exhaust Port Diameter 1.771"
Valve Seat Angle 45°
Inlets Open, Close 12° BTC, 50° ABC
Exhausts Open, Close 65° BBC, 31° ATC
Inlet, Exhaust Duration 242°, 276°
Inlet, Exhaust Valve Lift, Hot 0.478", 0.471"
Inlet, Exhaust Valve Lift, Cold 8.484", 0.475"
Inlet, Exhaust Rocker Clearance (Cold) 8.484", 0.475"
Carburetor Claudel Hobson AVT.80.B Duplex
Specific Fuel Consumption, Takeoff Power 0.665 lb/bhp/hr
Specific Fuel Consumption, 90% Power 0.565 lb/bhp/hr
Specific Fuel Consumption, Rated Power 0.561 lb/bhp/hr
Specific Fuel Consumption, Best Economy Power 0.475 lb/bhp/hr
Fuel Consumption at Rated Power43 Imp gal42 Imp gal
Fuel Specification D.T.D.134
Fuel Specific Gravity at 15°C 0.745
Mixture Control Range 50% to 60%
Fuel Working Head at Carburetor, Minimum, Maximum 0.875 feet, 12 feet
Carburetor Venturi Diameter 68 mm
Carburetor Main Jet Size, cc/min1,8251,960
Carburetor Power Jet Size, cc/min675700
Carburetor Slow Running Jet Size, cc/min340340
Carburetor Enrichment Jet Size, cc/min1,5001,100
Fuel Pump Type Bristol Vane Type
Fuel Pump Rotation Speed Engine Speed
Fuel Pump Maximum Suction Head, Delivery Head 12 feet, 12 feet
Fuel Pump Relief Valve Cracks 2.5 psi
Magneto Type Two B.T.H. SC.9 5B
Magneto Rotation Speed 9/8 Engine Speed
Magneto Rotation Direction  Anti-Clockwise
Ignition Timing 35°BTC
Spark Plugs per Cylinder 2
Firing Order 1-3-5-7-9-2-4-6-8
Oil Pressure 60 psi
Oil Inlet Temperature 50° - 80°C
Oil Pump Pressure/Suction Capacity Ratio 1:1.246
Oil Pump Drive Ratio to Crankshaft 1:1
Oil Specification D.T.D.109
Oil Consumption 1 - 2 Imp gal/hr
Generator Drive Speed 2.5 x Crankshaft
Telemeter Drive Speed 0.25 x Crankshaft
Gas Distributor Drive Speed 0.5 x Crankshaft
Gun Gear Drive Speed 0.5 x Propeller
Hand Starter Options Eclipse Hand Starting Gear, Hand Inertia Starter
Electric Starter Options Eclipse Hand & Electric Turning Gear,  Inertia Starter
Gas Starter Options Bristol R.A.E. Mark II, Viet, Saintin
Complete Engine, Dry970 lb980 lb
Exhaust Ring 50 lb
Exhaust Stacks 7.5 lb
Exhaust Heater Pipe to Induction Elbow6 lbNot used
Flexible Mounting Unit 4.0 lb
Fixed Mounting Unit 3.25 lb
Hand Turning Gear with Handle 21 lb
Turning Gear, Hand and Electric, with Handle 30 lb
Hand Inertia Starter with Handle 26 lb
Hand and Electric Inertia Starter with Handle 37 lb
Bristol Gas Starter 52 lb
Gas Starter 3-Way Cock with Switch 2.0 lb
Gas Starter 4-Way Cock with Switch 2.9 lb
Hand Doper (primer) 1.0 lb
Hand Doper (primer), Auxiliary Tank & Piping 4.5 lb
Fuel Pump 1.6 lb
Fuel Pump Drive 1.3 lb
Fuel Pump Flexible Drive Connection 0.5 lb
Fuel Pump Flexible Drive Shaft/ft 1.25 lb
Auxiliary Drive 3.75 lb
Generator Flexible Drive Connection 0.6 lb
Generator Flexible Drive/ft 1.9 lb
Electric Generator Drive, Bulkhead Type, 4.3 lb
Gun Gear Twin Unit 4.0 lb
Inter-Cylinder Baffles 12.5 lb
3-Blade Metal Airscrew Hub 55 lb
Wooden Airscrew Hub 29 lb
Air Intake 8 lb
Gas Distributor Piping and Check Valve 10 lb
Spark Plugs 3 lb
Lubricants for Temerate or Tropical Climates
Wakefield Castrol Aero "C"
Shell  Mex Aero Shell
Sternol D.T.D.109
Silvertown Speedolene P.4
Vacuum Mobiloil Aero W
Lubricants for Arctic Conditions
Wakefield Castrol "AA"
Vacuum Mobiloil "A"